Solar PV

Self Survey Photo Guide

To help us give as accurate a survey as possible we will need some pictures of your property. We have provided some examples below to help.

When you have these pictures, head back to the self survey form.

The photos we will need are as follows:

1. Roof(s)

A photo of the roof or roofs where we intend to install your panels, ideally taken looking straight at the roof.

Close up of the relevant roof to help identify the tiles 2 - Copy

2. Ground level below roof(s)

A clear picture of the area below the roofs to determine scaffolding access around the building.

Front of the slate roof that is South East or West facing (including the ground so we can price access)

3. Fuseboard location

A clear picture of your fuseboard and the surrounding area.

Fusboard far

4. Fuseboard close-up

A close-up image of your fuseboard so that we can check the current layout and how the fuseboard is populated.


5. Electricity meter

A clear image of your electricity meter and surrounding area.


Something powerful

Tell the reader more

The headline and subheader tell us what you're offering and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great that it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Something powerful

Tell the reader more

The headline and subheader tell us what you're offering and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great that it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.