One of the most important features from a customer point of view is the data display enabling you to track and monitor the energy generation of the system.
Every system is fitted with a generation meter.
However the generation meter doesn’t give you the instantaneous power output of the system; nor does it record ‘historical’ data and produce graphs of daily output.
A user friendly data display allows you to check that the system is working and enables you to keep track of how much electricity you have generated. One of the best solar accessories, it also tells you when it’s a good time to put the washing machine on!
In general we recommend either a Eco-Eye Smart PV monitor, the solar PV monitoring system made by the relevant inverter manufacturer or the iBoost+ Buddy (for use with iBoost systems).
SolarEdge has the best monitoring technology on the market. Used with SolarEdge inverters, it is a cloud based monitoring platform that provides enhanced PV performance monitoring and yield assurance. Each panel optimiser has built-in monitoring sensors and transmitters which transmit data to the inverter - this allows immediate fault detection and alerts at module level, string level and system level. The Portal can be accessed via the web or solar monitoring app and real time monitoring is free for 25 years.
The lowest cost option for SMA inverters is the Sunny View Bluetooth wireless display monitor (see opposite) which you can position anywhere inside your property. This allows you easily to view instantaneous and historical usage wherever you are.
More comprehensive tracking is available online via the Sunny Portal. See some examples in our live monitoring page.
All major inverter manufacturers offer online tracking systems. These provide data with varying degrees of complexity, ranging from simple output data (current power, accumulated output etc.) to detailed technical information (operating voltages etc.).
See our comparison of the best solar monitoring platforms. Using inverter apps and smart meters, it's now possible to track how much power you use vs export.
If you'd like to learn more about solar monitoring devices and how they can fit in to your PV system, give us a call on 0118 951 4490.
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Spirit Energy is the trading name of Spirit Solar Ltd · UK Company Number 07138647
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